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看中国 ——《遇见长安 Encounter in Chang’an》

导演:Ana San Per Chang´an is distinguished for being the land of great poets and the inspiration of many poems and literary works . All the cultural heritage that this city conserves throughout its history makes it an important place to study the history of China. “Encounter in Chang´an” is a journey of rapprochement to this millenary culture through its legends and poetry. 长安是伟大诗人的国度、是众多诗歌和文学作品的灵感源泉,它也因此闻名于世。这座城市历史上保存的所有文化遗产使它成为研究中国历史的重要场所。“遇见长安”是一次通过诗歌与传说故事,与长安千年文化和解的旅程。

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