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看中国 ——《喇家文化 亘古亘今 The people of lajia》

导演:Christienne Jauregui

Lajia ruins is located in Lajia village, Guanting town, Minhe county, Qinghai province. As large ruins of Neolithic age, it is called “Eastern Pompeii”. Since 1999, a joint archaeological team of the Institute of Archaeology of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the Institute of Cultural Relic Archaeology of Qinghai province has excavated the Lajia ruins. The filming of the interior of Lajia ruins, and the interviews with local villagers, the archeologists and professors of relics and geography, not only show the changes brought by Lajia ruins to local villagers’ life, but also reveal the modern inheritance of the spirit of love in Lajia ruins.


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