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看中国 ——《依曦 Lover of light》

导演:Georgia Kapralou

“Lover of Light” is the name people gave to the lotus for they perceived its behavior as a form of reverence to the sun. This is why it is considered to be a symbol of the sun, of creation and of rebirth, since it emerges unaffected from the muddy waters. My movie portrays the voyage of the lotus leaves which are born in the lake, then meet and interact with humans who, in a choreographic sequence with the machines, process them. In the end, the leaves are transformed and reborn in the form of tea. This voyage is illustrated through a poetic touch and visually dialectic shots which aspire to engage the audience in an interactive viewing where senses come before logic. The narration of the movie is circular just like the flow of the river, the flow of the workers’ movements, the flow of everything, if you look close enough. The holiness and beauty of the lotus flower is sacred, so it is only revealed at the end of the movie and its presence is there to state that remembering the roots – the starting point – is the key to continuity and creation.


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